Cold treatment cleanses and protects refrigerated fruit from invading insects during shipping. The process is backed by advanced refrigeration and reliable techniques that do not hurt the cargo and eliminate the need for chemical treatments at the destination ports. Recently, Seaboard Marine brought the first cold-treatment blueberries from Guayaquil, Ecuador, to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Edward Gonzalez, President, and CEO stated, “We’re gradually earning a reputation for introducing modern shipping methods to benefit South American exporters. We have a long history of being the first company carrying U.S. imports from Latin America, and we cater our dependable and efficient sailings to the demands of our customers. Importers of all perishable goods value our rapid transit times and exceptional service.”

Piero Buitano, Regional Vice President, said, “Premium maritime transportation services provided by Seaboard Marine are attracting new business to the United States. The cold-treatment process helps the U.S. efficiently access more perishable goods while giving Seaboard Marine more opportunity for growth by supporting trade for Latin American exports and growing the U.S. import markets.”